Thursday, 26 November 2009

Session 5

Note on lecture check out this websiteit has what ever u want abour artist and the style of them.
British painter
  1. Value and Taste
  2. Is art different from fashion? do they have different function?
  3. Criteria for being "better",:best', or "good"? How do we judge what is better?
  4. Academic study
What do we mean by impriving?

History Artist
Contemporary issues

Ancient Egypt 3000-1000 bc
idealize from/ nature form
they present reality life(very functional)
(painting reveals)real world with an ideal world.

Ancient Greek 1000-146 bc
Ideals human body/ideal man or women
what world should r shouldn't like

Ancient Rome 146 bc-AD 313
Reflective to society/people work)

Renaissance AD 1420-AD 1525
During that time renaissance changed massively.
the painting that we look they are all static and scientist view.
i saw another picture during renaissance that was about St.peter.i like that work because it was simple and it shows their meaning so well.

The painter was commissioned by family, he was from wealthy family.
Massalino works are about personal investment.

Mannerism and Baroque AD1525-AD 1700
it was about self portrait and it think look so specific .

ROcoco(in his painting u can see interior design)

Shows power of nature,the effect on our Romanticism.That kind of painting on that period,suddenly it was a shifting in the thinking.

Realism 1850
the painting showed Ordinary people do ordinary things.
painting real life/ representing reality/

what i get during this lecture i think our views changes historically. and everyday i can see something new in art world.

Post modern artist
consider a pop-artist/public taste/its offensive in term os taste
How do we value modern artist?

Martin Creed........ the Light going on and off... dimensional variable/material variable
Its about what is art or what is not art? how is that art? what are the values?
i like that works i think its so clever.

POst Modernism
Artist as charlatan?
Prior to the renaissance.
The self wasn't considered to be a subject to explore in isolation.

Pliny the Elder AD 77
  • Wrote 'natural history' an important source of artistic value in 15th and 16th centuries.
  • Demonstrated the statues greek artist could achieve.

Lorenzo Ghiberti
  • Sculptor, goldsmith and architect
  • First artist to write an autobiography in 1450s
  • Marked new ideas about the status of the male artist.
The name of his work that i saw was "The gate of Paradise" Doors to florance baptistery.

Francesco del cossa 1470
  • plea to patron to be paid for commission as making for him self
  • response from pay
Artist are entertainers
Role of the artist?
Artist have access to have sources of inspiration and talent.

Mark Rothko.1961
Mattew barney(he is working as an practitioneBulleted Listr)

Art and Democracy/Commerce?
  • Art has to be experienced and the shop is where people can experience ,it is a democratic. atmosphere rather that a west end gallery.
  • Art as fashion?
Artist personalities
  • Psychology
  • Social History
  • The Artist " civilizer"as "Border crosser" or as "Representer".
  1. Lombroso 1863 approach supported victorian and romantic.
  2. Otto Rank 1932..... artist is a part of society.
  3. Different view of the artist assume certain expedition.
Becker 1982 argues that art works cannot be the product of a sole individuals work and effort.

Roger Hirons(his works are absolutely beautiful )

The role of the artist
  • To be a cultural civilizer
  • Artist as tastemaker
  • As a border crosser...... artist imagined someone has a critical view of social structures and can challenge boundaries.
  • Artist as a activist
Suzanne lacey-The roof is on fire(it was about all sort of thing in one picture, different meaning)
Joost Conjin 2004
he made a wooden car recently and drove all over the world without paying petrol.

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