Sunday, 6 December 2009

Reading, Session 5( Technologies of cooperation)

Technologies of Cooperation

Redmond, Washington the world successful company, the world richest man.
The Microsoft company shows a few figure of power.
Beside the wireless internet antennae hanging from light poles. Microsoft become in the wireless industry , That i dont think its true sentences about Microsoft because "Microsoft dominate operating system " (like windows).
Its interesting that he get helped to understand to emerging from use of the mobile telephones.
In 1992, as he heard about internet world wide ecology of virtual communication, i think thats pretty exiting that Microsoft started to create as a grade student software that maps the social network between million electronic massages and exchange 48,000 different group everyday!
I think that was a huge step on that period and make everything easier for student or everybody.
Each year the technology getting updated Virtual communities migrate from desktop computers to mobile telephones.
As he said if we follow the strand of cooperation public goods, presentation of self, and reputation, the are all working togheter and communicate to each others.

1950s, economist mancur L, found to exhibit voluntary cooperation in there experimental games than biggest group.
1982s, olson "Number of individuals in a group is small unless some special devices to make individuals in their common interest.
1990 Elinor astorm argued about external devices might not important and necessary that she called common pool resources.(CPRs)
I really enjoyed reading this article. it was pretty exiting, And i made some notes out of it most of the thing i said in this notes its from the parts that i liked and enjoyed.

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